We have found 9 items matching your search query.

Gordon Vet Hospital
19 Ryde Road, Pymble NSW 2073, Australia The Gordon Vet Team cares about you and your pets Our pets d Distance: 17,383 Kilometers

DIVINEGRACE DENTAL CLINIC ARUSHA Divinegrace Dental Clinic is a private dental practice that Distance: 5,856 Kilometers

Specialists Doctors in Arusha
Dr.Mark Jacobson Selian Hospital Clinic/Selian Town Clinic Tel: 255-27-22647, 2508030/3726 Mobile: +255 754-299306 Dr.Charles Sweke, OB/GYN. Dr. G.S. Kombe, Ophthalmology Dr. Paul Kisanga, Surgeon Sel...
List of Doctors in Dodoma
Aga Khan Health Services P.O.Box 270, Dodoma Dr.Jane Chaula General: Tel/Fax: 255-26-2321789 Emergency Mobile: +255 773-194832 Family Doctor: Gulshan Imran Mobile: +255 787-664839 Dr. Abdul Othman Mob...
List of Doctors in Zanzibar
List of Doctors in Zanzibar Al Rahma Hospital Kilimani Road, Zanzibar P.O. Box 281 Tel:255-24-2236715 Dr.Salha Mobile: +255 774-518123 / +255 713-51812 ...