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Arusha Community Church (ACC)

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We are an international, interdenominational, lay-led congregation. Our membership includes all denominations from Roman Catholic to Pentecostal. Share Arusha City page to friends::Click to share on T

(ACC) is an international, interdenominational, lay-led congregation. The is independent and autonomous, but the Diocese in region of the Evangelical Lutheran of Tanzania (ELCT) has graciously agreed to links being established with them for legal purposes. Administered by its Council, the ACC has grown steadily over the years with a programme which includes Bible Studies, Sunday School, social benevolence, and other programmes for children, youth and adults.

Today, our membership covers the spectrum from Roman Catholic to Pentecostal. That which unites us is faith in Christ — as well as worship in the English language. Services are led by members, some of whom are ordained but many not. Preachers come primarily from within the congregation, but on occasion guest preachers are invited from surrounding congregations and ministries.

Worship services are held at 10:30am every Sunday morning, as well as on other special days of the Year. Sunday School is during the worship service and Adult Education is often held at 9:15am. There are many other activities including (click the link to see a slideshow of activities)

What we believe

As with any congregation, the beliefs of individual members vary widely. ACC is generally Protestant in orientation (though with a fairly large number of Roman Catholics in attendance and in leadership positions). Its worship style tends to be non-liturgical (though often including elements such as confession of sin and absolution, confession of faith, words of institution, Lord’s Prayer).

We are an international, interdenominational, lay-led congregation. Our membership includes all denominations from Roman Catholic to Pentecostal. That which unites us is faith in Christ and worship in the English language

Services are held at 10:30am every Sunday morning, as well as on other special days of the Year. Sunday School for children is during . Adult Education is usually held before the service at 9:15am.


Mailing address: Box 2316



Support Facilitator      Susan Simonson

Telephone:       +255 (782) 39 77 08

E-mail:             Facilitator

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